Monday, April 30, 2007

Walking Around with a Camera

Azaleas of one variety or another have been blooming since before Easter. Here is the bed I worked and re-worked back in January. It occurred to me as I was writing this that, except for the Japanese hollies, I have the exact combination of plants that I began with, only in a different arrangement. Oh well...I like it much better.

The spirea on the right were getting leggy, so I pruned them back to about 6 inches. The new growth is coming out good and thick...I think I'll do the same with the others next spring.

Our pyracantha bloomed over the weekend. This has been a great plant. I gave it a big sunny space in a back corner, and it has more than tripled in size in a couple of years.

Every morning brings more irises. I think after they finish blooming, I'll move some of the isolated plants into one big iris bed in front of the lantana. That way, the iris will bloom first, then when they are done, their blades will make a nice, cool foreground contrast for the tropical lantana.

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